About Me

I am a Danish PhD student researching how higher education impacts democratic outcomes. I am supervised by Prof. Herman van de Werfhorst and Prof. Simon Hix at the European University Institute.

Martin Dybdahl

Political Sociologist - The European University Institute

Email: Martin.Dybdahl@eui.eu

Ongoing Projects

  • EU&I A comprehensive VAA for the EP2024- Helping people navigate the EU elections ecosystem.
  • UCI MUST Project Resources and socialization: the effect of course exposure on undergraduate students' political orientations and civic engagement, University of California, Irvine


  • Governance reforms and public acceptance of regulatory decisions: Cross-national evidence from linked survey experiments on pesticides authorization in the European Union Regulation & Governance, 2023. J. Zeitlin, D. v.d. Duin, T. Kuhn, M. Weimer & M. Dybdahl Jensen
  • Final report on the Governance of Exit AdMiGov, 2022. B. Kalir & M. Dybdahl
  • EU pesticides regulation: how public support can be rebuilt LSE EUROPP Blog, 2021

Work Experience

  • Team Leader, Danish Country Experts, EU&I Voting Advice Application (Florence, Italy) - Led a team coding party positions, collaborated with EP candidates and political parties as part of building a VAA that in 2019 engaged 1.20 million voters across the EU. Website launched May 9th 2024.
  • Researcher, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands) - I worked for the Amsterdam Center for Learning Analytics (ACLA) as an independent researcher, equivalent to a PhD, specializing in learning analytics and machine learning to address teacher attrition in the Netherlands.
  • Research Assistant, under Prof. Theresa Kuhn, as part of the COVIDEU project at the University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands) - Managed data collection, cleaning, and administrative tasks with PhD candidate Lisa Herbig.
  • Research Assistant, under Prof. Jonathan Zeitlin at the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies, University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands) - Authored statistical analyses for peer-reviewed research on environmental policy. Peer-reviewed Publication
  • Internship, under Dr. Barak Kalir as part of the cross-national AdMiGov project, University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands) - I co-authored the research paper with Dr. Kalir, the paper evaluates the current state of EU exit regimes. The analysis was based on qualitative and quantitative data sources. WORK PACKAGE REPORT


  • UNWTO The value of Human Rights on the Camino de Santiago representing Denmark for Copenhagen Business School.